Building Yourself 6 - Strategy

Building Yourself 6 - Strategy

Sat Nov 04 2023


What you need

At any level most if not all the skills will be required. The level of development of the skills (resources) goes hand in hand with the stage you are at in your building. So in your strategy ask yourself, what stage am I at in my building and what are the resources I need at the stage to be able to successfully build it? If you are pursuing a career working in the cooperate world, check the requirements of the jobs you want to do, they offer clear guidelines on what you need to meet the requirements. For those that will pursue entrepreneurship list down each responsibility, you will have to do when running the business and go online to check what are the requirements for those that take up such roles.

When you need it

Timing is very important in the process of building. Even though there is no standard time for everyone, you should be able to set the times for yourself. Time must be set for both the stage you are at and for acquiring the skills. Normally skills come first because they are the ones you need to build yourself into the next stage. Even though timing will not be perfect as it can be affected by so many other factors beyond your control, at least set it out considering that all factors remain reasonably constant.

How you will get it

Your approach matters and you need to design one that suits you. This approach is primarily on getting your skills in place and how you will use them. Some of the skills require you to go for formal education while others require informal learning. All that has to be put into consideration here.

Priorities - Financial considerations

One of the key variables to be considered here is your financial position (we will have a section on financial management later but at this stage will just look at some general considerations). This will also help you decide on where you will learn and develop your skills. There are channels available for every financial level. What is important is that you know your position and you use what you have to your best. Since resources are always limited to varying degrees, ensure that you prioritize the allocation and use of your resources based on what you need and the alternative ways to get it.

Be content with your style, some get all the resources in one go while others get them as needed. Others buy as they can afford while others stock up even what they do not necessarily need.

What is important is you build, it doesn’t matter how you gather your materials but at least ensure they are certified as good quality and recognized as meeting the standards of skills set internationally.